Welcome to the WPB DISCOUNT PAGE ££

WPB want to give you the best value at all times, we want to cut out the Costs involved in Selling Direct to YOU, our very valued customers.

This is where we CUT out Ebay, we Cut out Amazon, we Cut out Paypal and we Cut out the Greedy Banks all of whom are taking a slice of your hard earned money and adding to the Transaction Cost of your Purchase.

This is how internet shopping was supposed to be before all the Global Companies SKIMMED a Large Slice of your money from the Top of every purchase. Paypal add 2.9% cost to everything that you buy online.

WPB Prices are already UNBEATABLE,  so due to popular demand, we are now making an even greater saving available to you by a 100% SECURE direct PAYMENT "BUY NOW" BUTTON or exactly like IN STORE and also with a QR DISCOUNT CODE.

WPB 140 Race discount price

WPB 140 Race

£974 Including Mainland 

UK delivery SAVE £25

WPB 160 Race Stomp at Discount price

WPB 160 Race

£1174 Including Mainland UK delivery SAVE £25


£1574 Including Mainland UK delivery SAVE £25

A QR Code at WPB is easy to use.

 If you are browsing this page on your phone all you have to do is click on the QR PITBIKE code and view  it with GOOGLE LENS or the Apple equivalent. Your phone will then identify the QR code and then it should launch your Mobile Banking APP on your phone.

You can then complete the payment on your own Secure Mobile Banking APP

If you are browsing this page on a tablet or laptop then just point your phones camera lens at the QR Pitbike Discount code, just like in a Shop, Pub or Restaurant. Your phone will then identify the QR code and open it up in your Phones Banking APP. 

You can equally  Click the  BUY NOW  buttons and the Payment process will also work that way.